Yes, it’s true. The real me, the Glenda I know and love has been away for quite some time now. I haven’t recognized the old lady living in my house, inhabiting my body in a sad and lonely way.
Even in my 76th year I never felt old until my parts started to wear out.
A faithful exercise walker since I got my first Fitbit and started recording steps in 2014, I was hale and hearty. Only counting the steps during my exercise walks (and sometimes forgetting to wear my current Fitbit) I was proud of my accumulated 4,500 miles. Even though my body has osteoarthritis, by cutting sugar out of my diet, the pain in my fingers vanished. I could even run a bit.
Then it hit. July 5th (how could I forget that date) of 2020 I began having pains in my right hip and rather limped home. This was at the end of my 3 miles. I cut out the walking and made an appointment with my doctor who informed me that the osteoarthritis in my hip would probably require hip replacement surgery and he referred me to an orthopaedist, who referred me to a surgeon.
Now, I’ve managed to go my entire life without having my skin cut into, and I was terrified of the prospect. Who wouldn’t be?
Here I sit today, almost a year since that fateful limping home, trying to decide how much of the comedy of errors/terrors to recount here, and I’ve decided that nobody needs to know the embarrassing details. Suffice it to say: If a doctor wants to send you or your loved ones to a Skilled Nursing Facility or Care Home (Rest Home) unless that person has Dementia, DON’T DO IT! They are hellholes of neglect, even the best of them so do everything possible to give that person in need Home Care.
For a time I was unable to walk. I now have a commode to fit over the regular one, a walker, a wheelchair, and a hospital bed. Currently, I’m in rehab from muscle mass loss, and I’m doing well. This morning I was able to exercise walk 1 mile without pain.
No, I’ve not had anything replaced. Still, no skin on my body has been sliced open and GLENDA HERSELF IS BACK! My new doctor tells me that many people live with hip osteoarthritis without ever needing a hip replacement. This is what I want, and I will work my damndest to make that happen. I want my life back.
Welcome, back, me.